News and Resources

A Decade At Paragon Law

Paragon Law's Finance Executive Holly Costema celebrates a decade working for the Nottingham-based immigration law firm, writing a blog on her experience.
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What Next For The Graduate Visa Route?

The Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) assessed the effectiveness of the UK Graduate Visa route, declaring suggestions for a potential format change.
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The Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration Bill 2023)

Thal dives deeper into the proposition of the Rwanda Bill and how the UK Government dealt with The Supreme Court ruling. Will the bill become legislation?
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New Home Secretary & Another Knee-Jerk Reaction To Immigration Policy

The new Home Secretary, James Cleverly, is out of the starting blocks with his five-point plan announced in parliament on the 4th of December 2023.
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Rwanda Policy Versus The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court held that the UK government's 'Illegal Migration Act - Rwanda Policy', which involved the relocation of asylum seekers, was unlawful.
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Civil Penalty For Employing Illegal Workers To Increase - Next Steps?

UK Visas and Immigration have confirmed in their Code of Practice on Preventing Illegal Working that the fee increase comes into effect on 22 January 2024.
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Illegal Migration Act 2023

Enacted on 20 July 2023, the act has set a devastating precedent of endangering vulnerable people in the name of Rishi Sunak’s campaign slogan ‘Stop the boats’.
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The Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) to increase in January 2024

The increase in Immigration Health Surcharge (HIS) is expected to take effect on or around 16 January 2024. The payment of the charge allows access to the same NHS services as UK residents.
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Immigration: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

As black history month comes to an end, in this article we show how UK immigration law is extremely racialised today as it has been in the past.
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UK Immigration Rules Changes in 2023: What you need to know

There have been recent changes to UK immigration rules in 2023. Read this blog and learn how they will affect student, personal, and work visas.
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