News and Resources

What Can UK Asylum Seekers Expect In 2024 Under New Labour Government?

As the 2024 Labour Government's Asylum approach is set to be unveiled, expect Asylum law changes, with Rwanda partnership already a confirmed dismissal.
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The Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration Bill 2023)

Thal dives deeper into the proposition of the Rwanda Bill and how the UK Government dealt with The Supreme Court ruling. Will the bill become legislation?
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New Home Secretary & Another Knee-Jerk Reaction To Immigration Policy

The new Home Secretary, James Cleverly, is out of the starting blocks with his five-point plan announced in parliament on the 4th of December 2023.
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Rwanda Policy Versus The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court held that the UK government's 'Illegal Migration Act - Rwanda Policy', which involved the relocation of asylum seekers, was unlawful.
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Illegal Migration Act 2023

Enacted on 20 July 2023, the act has set a devastating precedent of endangering vulnerable people in the name of Rishi Sunak’s campaign slogan ‘Stop the boats’.
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Immigration: Yesterday. Today. Tomorrow.

As black history month comes to an end, in this article we show how UK immigration law is extremely racialised today as it has been in the past.
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Accessing public funds in the UK

Individuals subject to immigration control will often have no recourse to public funds. Learn about this restriction and potential actions you can take.
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An employer’s guide to employing refugees

Refugees are more likely to be unemployed than people born in the UK. As employers there are actions which you can take to support refugees in employment.
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The Rwanda Plan

The Rwanda asylum plan is an immigration policy created by the UK government whereby some asylum seekers who arrive in the UK may be relocated to Rwanda.
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UK Visa Processing Times

Many factors impact visa processing times, this article is a summary of the current (average) processing times. For accurate information refer to UKVI.
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