Fingerprint scanner

Reusing Your Biometrics on Your Immigration Application

Eligible individuals are now able to reuse their biometrics as part of their immigration application by using the UK Immigration: ID check.

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UK Immigration Applications and Biometric Reuse

The pandemic resulted in the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) service allowing biometrics from an existing immigration application to be reused as part of another immigration application. This biometric reuse is still in operation to reduce the number of people needing to attend a biometric appointment. It must be noted that this biometric reuse applies only to fingerprints as individuals are required to enrol a new facial image with every application. In this post we will discuss the reuse of biometrics further.

Can I reuse my biometrics?

Yes, individuals with a valid Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) or Biometric Residence Card (BRC) can reuse their biometrics as part of a current immigration application if they are applying for one of the following:

  1. Leave under the Graduate Route visa.

  2. Leave under the Skilled Worker Visa and Student Routes.

  3. Leave under Private Life and Settlement Family Life.

  4. A replacement of either a BRP or BRC.

Individuals who are applying to one of the above visa routes (including indefinite leave to remain) must also meet the following eligibility criteria in order to reuse their biometrics:

  • You have already provided the UKVI with your biometrics as part of a previous UK immigration application and they still have them on record (or you cannot enrol your fingerprints).

  • You have a valid BRP.

  • You are over the age of 5 years old.

  • If you are over 16 years old then the photograph of you which is stored on the Immigration and Asylum Biometric System is not over 10 years old. If you are aged under 16 years old then the photograph on the system must be less than 5 years old.

  • You are using the UK Immigration: ID Check app.



When will you be required to re-submit biometric information?

Even if you are eligible to reuse your biometric information, you may still be required to re-submit your biometric information (a facial image and fingerprints) if immigration officials cannot verify your identity. Whilst this can be annoying this is just a protocol which needs to be followed to ensure that the new biometric information you supply is the same as what was previously on record.

Speak to an immigration advisor

If you would like more information on reusing biometrics as part of your immigration application, then get in touch with us to speak to an immigration advisor.

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Who is classified as not being able to enrol their fingerprints?

In some circumstances, biometrics can be reused when an individual cannot enrol them. Examples of when this may be necessary include (this is not a definitive list);

  • When an individual is incapacitated due to disability, ill-health, or medical treatment.

  • When an individual lacks the mental capacity to cooperate with the enrolment process.

  • When an individual has been isolated to avoid contact with others as interacting with others may lead to harm, injury or illness.

In circumstances where an official believes that someone will be unable to enrol their fingerprints and has a reasonable excuse then they (the official) must submit a request.


I’m detained, can I reuse my biometrics?

Yes, if you are detained pending removal then an immigration official must reuse your biometrics.


Using the UKVCAS Identity Verification (IDV) App

UKVI have introduced the IDV app which allows those applicants identified as eligible to reuse their biometrics from a previous application as part of their current application. The rollout of the IDV app commenced on 17th August 2020.

The reuse of biometrics is only available for in country applications. It has been confirmed that the following visa categories are eligible:

  • work

  • study

  • family

  • settlement

  • marriage

  • citizenship

  • BRP replacement

  • private life

Of those who have been identified as eligible to use the app they may choose to opt out of the scheme and continue with a UKVCAS biometric appointment. For those who wish to participate in the scheme the IDV app works on the following smartphones:

Android phones - running Android 7.0 and above with a camera with a minimum 5-megapixel camera.

iOS - the app works on iPhone 6 models and above which have iOS 12 and above.

The app allows the applicant to complete the following:

  • Login to the app using their UKVCAS credentials

  • Take a selfie

  • Do a ‘liveness’ check

  • Take a photo of their travel documents

  • Submit the application to UKVI

The IDV app is designed to ensure you can upload your supporting documents to complete your application. Paragon Law will continue to advise initially on the merits of making your application and the documentary evidence that you will need in support. Our immigration solicitors will then assist in uploading all supporting documents as part of the application as well offering assistance with any difficulties our clients have in completing selfie/liveness checks. Decisions will commence once all supporting documents have been uploaded and submitted alongside the live ‘selfie’.


How can Paragon Law help?

Since biometrics have been allowed to be reused on immigration applications, our immigration lawyers have been supporting individuals to understand their eligibility and assisting through the reuse process. If you would like further information on whether you can reuse your biometrics, or require support with using your biometrics then please get in touch with us to speak to an immigration expert.

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Got a question about biometric reuse?

If you have a question about reusing biometrics on your immigration application, then get in touch with us today to speak to an expert immigration lawyer.

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UK Immigration ID Check App

UK Immigration ID Check App

The UK Immigration ID Check app allows applicants to verify their identity through a mobile app without the need to attend a biometrics appointment.
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