News and Resources

10 Year Long Residence - Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) Applications

A Long Residence application for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), also known as settlement, is designed for individuals who have lived lawfully and continuously in the UK for at least 10 years.
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Can I bring my elderly parents to the UK?

There are a number of immigration routes which enable you to bring your elderly parents to the UK. Read more about bringing your parents to the UK.
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How do I bring my partner to the UK?

If you are settled in the UK, a British or Irish citizen, or hold a UK visa, then you may be able to bring your partner to the UK.
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Parent Visa Extension

A Parent Visa extension allows individuals to remain in the UK for a further 30 months, after this individuals may apply for indefinite leave to remain.
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Overstaying in the UK

Overstaying refers to remaining in the UK beyond the validity of a visa without making a valid application to extend the visa, read more about the impacts.
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The Rwanda Plan

The Rwanda asylum plan is an immigration policy created by the UK government whereby some asylum seekers who arrive in the UK may be relocated to Rwanda.
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The deportation process in the UK

In the UK, non-British citizens who receive a custodial sentence may be deported. We discuss the current deportation process and how it may change.
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Nationality and Borders Bill

The Nationality and Borders Bill is a new route to the UK’s immigration system. In this blog we discuss the detrimental impacts which this will create.
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